Monday, May 5, 2008

Again, before anyone asks

The answer is NO for Jacque Jones.

I hate to do two of these in a row, but I know for a fact that some sites will reccomend him as the perfect fit for the Mets and that is just downright insane.


  1. Who recommended him? Sheesh. What we need it a better 2nd baseman and some better production from first. We're just going to have to be patient with that, I think...

  2. Agreed on both counts Paul.

    Castillo is very good in the field, so I think the team can make it through without much of anything coming from the second base bat.

    Delgado...might come around...might not. Time will tell, but for now, I don't think he's single handedly losing the team games, so there shouldn't be a real reason to worry. Yet.
