Wednesday, March 19, 2008

People to avoid at the ballpark

Peter Abraham, over at The LoHud Yankees Blog (yes, I read Yankees blogs, one of those "keep your friends close, and enemies closer" type of things), put out his "Ten people to avoid at the ballpark," and they're all pretty hilarious.

My personal favorites:
7. People who swear at the players. How badly has your life gone that you feel compelled to come to the park and yell obscene words at somebody playing baseball? Trust me, when the player goes back to his huge house and his insanely hot wife that night, you calling him names doesn’t make him feel bad.

8. People trying to start The Wave. The Wave is a plague on sports. It’s 50,000 people saying, “Look at us, we’re all mindless and we don’t care about the game.” Thankfully Yankee Stadium is largely Waveless.

#7, is unfortunately me, so I apologize to anyone I've sat next to, or near, when viewing a New York Mets game. I cannot agree with #8 more. I despise The Wave in every way, and refuse to participate in it, ever.

I also don't like those two goofs in electric blue suits and sunglasses with the bald heads that wander the stadium. No one likes you, so just stop. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Cow Bell Man, but that is because he's cool, those bald guys are just creepy.


  1. (yes, I read Yankees blogs, one of those "keep your friends close, and enemies closer" type of things)

    You're an idiot.

    Why are you up so early?

  2. You're an idiot!

    And...uh...because we have class!

  3. steve would also look down on me and my mom for criticizing our players, namely cedeno and beltran. but we all know that is what makes new york a high pressure environment.
