Monday, April 28, 2008

The BobCatch

Here is some video of an amazing catch by Brian Monack, a sophomore at Quinnipiac University (my school) in Hamden, Conn. Seth Rothman on the call.

That's the kind of play every kid dreams of making when they play tee ball at young age. Up and over the wall, bringing back a home run. How cool is that?

Update (4/28): This play was the #1 Top Play on SportsCenter for April, 28. This is QU's second top play this year. Here is the first, DaShot, when Demario Anderson hit a half-court buzzer beater to beat CCSU.


  1. Hahaha

    Who made the better play...that is the question!

  2. I thought it was a homerun if the player went over the wall.

  3. Not so.

    If a player goes over the wall, tracking a ball, and the momentum takes him over the wall but he still has it in his glove, it is an out.

    So if he catches it over the wall, and he flips over it (like in the video) the batter is out.

  4. sick. good explanation of that rule as well.
