Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Reyes' growing pains

Tim Brown over at Yahoo! Sports, takes a look at Jose Reyes and how he holds the power to make or break the Mets offense. Brown points out how Reyes is experiencing "growing pains," but he is so young, that fans shouldn't worry.

From Brown:
So, Reyes struggles some, like the rest. He went bad in the worst possible September. He lives with that too. But, he said, he’ll let his talent play, let the game come, expand the parts he can.

“Nobody can ever time when superstardom is going to hit,” [Damion] Easley said. “Everybody wants to automatically have it happen, to say this is the year he’s going to be Superman. I’ll tell you, he’s doing everything he needs to do to progress. He’s a good kid. He gets frustrated sometimes, emotional sometimes. Who doesn’t?

“This has been a valuable lesson for him, to let him know that what people write, say or cheer, it’s for the moment. He’s got to be consistent in thinking he’s the player he thinks he is. I’m sure it hardened him up a little bit, toughened him up.”

Maybe. Reyes smiled. He’s got stuff to take care of.

“Just play baseball,” he said, that simply. “Just play baseball.”

That's right. Just play the game. I've noticed Reyes starting to get angry at himself at the plate if he strikes out or misses a bad pitch.

I like this. It shows his frustration and that he knows he should and could be preforming better. Obviously, because I'm an eternal optimist with this team, I think Reyes will turn it around and start tearing it up again.

Right now, he's like an engine starting up. We're seeing sputters of power and it starts to kick it into gear, but the engine just isn't turning over...yet. Once this team breaks out of it's season long funk, with Reyes leading the way, it's literally going to be a whole new ball game.

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