Friday, August 15, 2008

I hate The Wave; Sign the petition to end it

I love when crowds cheer and chant for their teams. I love when the whole stadium sings along to "Eres Aqui" or "Joseeeeeee Jose Jose Jose!" But I absolutely despise when people do "The Wave."

Never in my baseball-loving days have I ever been as mad at such a large number of people as on Monday when the Mets were playing the Pirates. It didn't help that the Mets were letting another win slip through their fingers.

It's the ninth inning, and the Mets bullpen is imploding again. Some guy, sans sobriety, is leading the entire loge and most of the rest of the stadium in a wave. Were these people unaware of the tensity of the game? The win was literally on the line at the time, but they would rather fancy themselves to stand up, throw their arms in the air, sit down and watch their wave carry around the stadium?

They had to pay good money to get in to see this game, and right when the game was at it's climax, they're cheering and yelling as their team implodes and falls to a terrible team in a game they should have won.

This one man was walking around, cursing out fans that refused to participate in the worst fan-led spectacle ever created. Fans who were engrossed in the game, willing the Mets bullpen to just get a few more outs, albeit unsuccessfully. Meanwhile, my friend and I are trying to rally our section around Aaron Heilman and Pedro Feliciano as they tried to stave off the anemic Pittsburgh offense to no avail.

The wave needs to stop, especially in these situations. There has to be a better way to cheer, to support the team, and there are definitely better situations to do it.

Please, fans, stop the wave. If you support ending The Wave, sign the petition found here.

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